A little help equals a better world!

Eco club

Our mission is to raise awareness about the planet and the endangered species living in it and hopefully encourage others to help to do so in a fun way so that we can work toward changing the world.

EcoClub.Fun is a website that encourages kids to do their part for our community and world in a fun but effective way.

Upcoming events

None yet but we are working towards another great event to raise money for charities in need!

Animals are amazing, they should not die out because of us!

Get involved

Many creatures roam the world peacefully but many of these  wonderful species are in danger due to the biggest threat to all animals - us humans - but it doesn't have to be like that. Research shows that many endangered animals are endangered or threatened by humans. For example there are fewer than 100 Amur leopards left in the world and only 77 Javan Rhinos. Both of these animals are suffering from habitat loss and poaching.

However not only land animals are almost extinct.  There are less than 20,000 Blue whales that swim the sea, this may seem like a lot but actually it is a tiny amount given how big the oceans are. 800 Whales, dolphins and porpoises are killed each day by bycatch - being caught in fishing gear - and toxins in the ocean but also being hit by boats this should not be allowed because these magnificent creatures - especially whales - are very gentle and friendly to humans and do not deserve to be killed because of us.

To get involved and do your bit to help save the animals and environment, go to the WWF charity which we'll explain about further down the page, come to one of our events or if you aren't local, you could try to walk more instead of driving, because why use a car and continue to break the ozone layer when you can walk and save the animals? Also you can turn lights off in unoccupied rooms and do your bit. Turn taps off and always remember:

Reduce                        Reuse                         Recycle


WWF is a charity we are proud to support and have for decades been helping preserve our beautiful natural world and the species within it.

You can become a member, donate or even adopt an endangered animal (including receiving a soft toy!) there:  https://support.wwf.org.uk/

Join over 100,000 people who have taken action to help bring our world back to life. 

A WWF membership not only supports our work to restore nature and help tackle climate change but provides you with expert advice on how you can make a difference in your own life.

Endangered animals

We really hope you have a great day! Here are some of the most endangered animals if you are interested in helping out the wildlife.


Less than 20 left in wild

Yangtze finless porpoise

In 2018 there were only 1000

Amur leopard

Only about 100 left

African forest elephant

This species has declined about 86% in only 31 years

Javan rhinoceros

Only about 75 individuals

Sumatran orangutan

Less than 14,000 individuals remaining 

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